- 4 min
A Hole to China
According to various blogs and other unreliable internet sources, the phrase “I’m digging a hole to China” first originated in the 1850s...
- 2 min
The Next Fashion Trend: Computerized Clothing
Imagine if the next jacket you purchased had a phone incorporated into its lapels, and your sleeve answered the call. Computerized...
- 3 min
English Gone Wrong
Speeding through Italy’s countryside to Venice, I was awakened from a half-conscious dream state when the train stopped in Florence. My...
- 5 min
The Problems With Learning Grammar: A Proposal for Indirect Teaching Methods
Grammar has been taught in the classroom for quite some time, mostly because “many English and language arts teachers in particular seem...
- 8 min
Editorial Letter
The following editorial feedback follows The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, for grammar, punctuation, and style guidelines, and...
- 2 min
Cork Bistro’s Makeover Results in Cannon
When I heard that a TV show had given North Charleston’s Cork Bistro a makeover, I was eager to check out the results. Winter had finally...