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Roman Architectural Innovations: The Arch, Vault, and Dome

The saying is true: “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” however, the Roman Empire was built at a quicker rate with the advancements of the arch that acted as a springboard for the development of various other architectural structures. The invention of the arch led to the invention of the vault and dome, which allowed the Romans to build stronger and more efficient structures such as bridges and aqueducts. When used to create vaults, the arch was useful in building amphitheaters. Finally, when the arch was used to construct domes, it functioned well in temples/basilicas. It is because of the development of the arch and its incorporation into various structures that Roman architecture flourished, and in turn, allowed the empire to conquer and influence a vast area of the world for such an extended period of time (Grant 264).

The Romans were the first Europeans to use the arch to create vast spaces in architectural structures; however, it was the Etruscans who first invented it. The Romans further developed the arch, using wedge-shaped blocks (called voussoirs), to form a curve across the top of the arch that increased the strength of the structure it held together. The arch itself became a defining element in various structures such as the Colosseum in Rome, functioning as entrances and exits and in tiered form to add to the structure's height. In general, the arch was applied extensively to doorways and windows and worked as an ornament as well as a utility Used as a vault, the arch defined passageways, ceilings, and graceful interiors that created vastly larger spans than had been present at the time (Building an Empire). Beyond vaults, the arch was further extended to domes that aided in the construction of corridors, roofs, and to various other parts of buildings where economy of material and labor is desired. The Roman arch allowed architects to build structures that supported more weight. As a result, the arch enabled architects to build larger and more varied buildings. The merits of the Roman arches have never been lost sight of by succeeding generations, and these arches eventually became an essential element in the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages, Taj Mahal in India, and countless other significant buildings throughout history (Arches).

The semicircular arch was the basic motif of Roman bridges. In the construction of these bridges, it was common to place extra cut stone over the outside of the arch to prevent the bridge from bending under the force of gravity (Mark 146). The arch allowed engineers to take roads and span them across areas that would typically not be accessible, hence, the creation of bridges. This was important because it allowed the Romans to establish a travel system, and therefore, the Romans were able to communicate with each other within and between their conquered regions (Grant 268). Because bridges were a means of moving men and materiel, as well as an effective means of communication, they were as essential to the successful operation of the nation and empire as the methods of water control and distribution so characteristic of Roman achievements. Altogether, the Romans created a series of roads and bridges that covered almost 200,000 miles (Building an Empire). It has been said that at the peak of Rome’s power, one could travel from the English Channel all the way to Rome without ever fording a stream, simply because the Romans had built so many roads and bridges to link its territories. As the Romans were the first to master bridge building on such a large scale, they had a huge influence on the people in even the most remote regions. The bridges were a commanding presence on the landscape as well, easily conveying the sense of who was in power and influencing the people of the region all while allowing easier access between conquered territories (Grant 269).

Another major use for the arch in the Roman Empire was in the construction of a water supply system—the system of Roman aqueducts. These arches together with tunnels were constructed to maintain the pitch of the aqueduct and the flow of water over irregular terrain for the long course to its destination. The Romans developed techniques such as constructing rows of arches on top of other arches, so they could build high bridges and aqueducts.

These aqueducts formed the water supply system of Ancient Rome - a system that was unheard of in other civilizations. With the construction of a water supply system, the Romans were able to bring fresh water to the towns from long distances away by carrying it through tunnels and over valleys with their towering aqueducts. This water was then used for the public baths, toilets, and the expected drinking water. The fact that this water was for the public, and not reserved for private use, pleased people in the newly conquered regions even more, and made them even more accepting of Roman control (Grant 270).

Expanding upon the arch, the Romans created the vault - an arched form that spans two walls like a continual arch, and is used to provide a space with a ceiling or roof. Originally used by the Etruscans in the first century A.D., the Romans expanded upon the technique of the vault by engineering concrete vaults of perfect rigidity, devoid of external thrust, and requiring no buttresses. The vault became an important architectural structure in the Roman Empire because it gave the Romans a new structure for enclosing space, and allowed rectangular and irregularly shaped buildings to have a roof (Jones 112-3). In buildings such as theaters, amphitheaters, public baths, and basilicas, this new architectural element appeared repeatedly (Building an Empire).

The combination of arches and vaults became the basis for Roman architects to construct amphitheaters. Amphitheaters, such as the Colosseum, not only used the arch along its external walls, but also incorporated vaults that covered the interior passageways. By repeating arches along the exterior of the amphitheaters, architects were able to build buildings with greater height and strength whilst allowing mobility of vast numbers of people inside. While the Greeks often built theaters at the base of a hill, with seating arranged on the natural slope, the Romans used concrete to build artificial slopes. The slopes were supported by vaults under the seating area. Here, the architects used arches to install corridors and stairways to help the spectators reach their seats. As a result, the Romans could build theaters in flat locations, such as the center of a city (Architecture, Roman). These buildings were superior to anything else that had been or was being built, which helped Rome keep the territories it had conquered (Grant 271).

Elaborating on the arch and vault, Roman architects also pioneered the use of the dome. A dome can be thought of as an arch which has been rotated around its central vertical axis. Thus domes, like arches, have a great deal of structural strength when properly built, and can span large open spaces without interior supports (Janson 136). With the innovation of the dome, the Romans were able to build large enclosed spaces and focus on the interior of building. The innovation of the dome became useful in building several important structures, such as the Pantheon in Rome - a very large round temple of the early second century A.D. whose interior is the best preserved as well as the most impressive of any surviving Roman structure. The dome of the Pantheon is not shallow, but is as true hemisphere; and the circular opening in its center admits a wonderfully even flow of light. The dome was later incorporated into other significant buildings, such as in the construction of Hagia Sophia in 360 A.D. (Janson 134-5).

The dome was relevant in the construction of various parts of basilicas - long halls ending in an apse – which provided these buildings with the regal appearance they are associated with. The apse was a key structure constructed from a hemispherical vault or semi-dome that functioned as a focal point, or altar, to the public where judges, religious leaders, and other high ranking people could conduct business. The walls of these basilicas were supported by rows of columns into which the weight of the walls would be channeled by way of arches. The use of columns and arches enabled the overall floor area to be very significant (Janson 135). Under the Romans, basilicas became a standard feature of every major town where they provided a dignified setting for the courts of law, as well as hosted religious gatherings. The success of the building of the Pantheon opened a whole new genre of large-scale architecture that could be readily cast in curvilinear forms (Mark 144). The incorporation of the dome into temples and basilicas was accomplished because Roman architects understood the behavior of the dome – a product of experience with the construction of arches during preceding centuries (Mark 148).

The arch, and its incorporation into the vault and dome, remains to be the major contributor to the achievement of Roman architecture. By having such structures to work with, Roman architects were able to build strong, durable, and long lasting bridges, aqueducts, temples/basilicas, and amphitheaters. The building of such vast structures not only improved Roman architecture, but influenced other civilizations for centuries after.

Works Cited

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Grant, Michael. The World of Rome. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1960. Print.

Janson, H.W. History of Art. Ed. Milton S. Fox. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1970. Print.

Jones, Mark Wilson. "Principles of Design in Roman Architecture: The Setting of Centralized

Buildings." Papers of the British School of Rome 57 (1989): 106-151. JSTOR. Web. 7

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